Remember my guppies? Now it is a family of 14. It was amazing to find new baby guppies. And very relaxing to watch them play/swim. Now one of our daily routine when reach home is to watch the little guppies and make a head count, just to make sure none of them gone missing (bird and lizard had been attacking our fishes). We are hoping to train them to learn to hide underneath the water plants by feeding them around that area.
Can you see them? One baby is at the top left of the bowl, and the other at the top right of the bowl. It's really difficult to catch them in film. After 30 over photos taken, this is the clearest. The rest are a blur of shadows.
oh yeah, i have a guppies at home too! very cute, it has babies almost everyday! :) i love having some plant in side house, make the room very fresh! ;)
Hi "Asian cucinare", you are right. Both guppies and plants are simply great in livening up a room. Great that you love them too!
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